Become a member

Welcome to P+. Here you can read about the advantages of being a member and how to become a member of the pension fund.
Why become a member of P+?

In P+ you get a pension scheme that is customised to you as an academic. We are 100 percent owned by our members, and this implies i.a. that the entire surplus is distributed to the members who also benefit from increased member influence and low costs.

How to become a member of P+?

In P+ you get a pension fund that matches all stages of your work life - whether you are an employee, self-employed, a member under a company scheme or you want to set up a private savings scheme. The only requirements are that you must be employed and entitled to membership of either IDA or Djøf. Membership of one of the two is not a requirement, what matters is that you are entitled to membership of one of the societies. Here you can see if you are entitled to membership of Djøf or IDA