
Whistleblower scheme

P+ has established a whistleblower scheme for the pension fund's employees, members and external business partners.

The purpose of the whistleblower scheme is for the pension fund's employees, members and external business partners to be able to anonymously address the pension fund in case of suspicion or knowledge about violation of the financial regulation or the law on money laundering prevention committed by the pension fund. 

If you want to submit a report

You can submit a report to the pension fund via the whistleblower scheme in case of suspicion or knowledge about violation of the financial regulation or the law on money laundering prevention committed by the pension fund, including employees or members of the Board.

If the submission falls without the scope of the whistleblower scheme, or it is assessed being clearly unfounded, it is rejected, and the person who has submitted the report is informed. 

All reports submitted via the whistleblower system must be made in good faith. 

Do you want to complain about a decision made by P+?
If as a member you want to complain about a decision made by P+ or a service or product, you can contact the pension fund on

Do you want to complain about P+’s processing of your personal data?
If you want to complain about P+’s processing of personal data, you can send an e-mail to the pension fund's DPO on

Who processes the submission of a report?

Submission of a report is initially processed by the law firm Kromann Reumert, CVR-no. 62606711. Kromann Reumert makes a preliminary screening of the report to assess if it is within the scope of the whistleblower scheme. The processing is made by legal employees subject to special confidence.

After the screening, Kromann Reumert assesses which steps to take and which employees in P+ that should be informed. 

A submission of a report via the whistleblower scheme can be made anonymously

The whistleblower scheme is a web portal that is developed and hosted by Got Ethics A/S, CVR-no. 33057431 which is an independent party that guarantees a secure and anonomous system.

Submission of a report to the whistleblower scheme can made anonomously which means that neither the pension fund nor others can identify the sender. This implies that submissions can be made without stating one's name. 

The system does not log IP addresses or PC identification and does not use cookies. All data transmission and storage of data are encrypted.  

How to make a submission? 

If as an employee, member or external business partner you want to make use of the pension fund's whistleblower scheme, you must copy the link below and open it in a new browser. The code is 1234.

Processing of personal data

As regards P+’s processing of personal data, we refer to the pension fund's privacy policy

P+ has as data controller entered into a data processing agreement with Got Ethics A/S and Kromann Reumert as sub data controllers.