
Prevention of money-laundering and financing of terrorism

P+ is subject to the Danish Act on Measures to prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (the Danish AML Act). The Act requires that we know our members and understand how they use the pension fund.

P+ is under an obligation to ensure that the pension fund is not misused for money laundering or terrorist financing. We take this responsibility very seriously as money laundering and terror financing are destructive for both the pension fund and its members and for society in general.

How does it affect you?

Knowledge of our members makes us capable of reacting if a member makes an atypical or unusual transaction. In practice this does not affect the majority of our members who pay monthly contributions through their employer. 

If you have paid a large, extraordinary contribution, we will ask you where the money comes from and require documentation. There may also be situations when further information or documentation, i.g. picture ID or address information, are required. 

If we have required information from you

If we have contacted you and required information or documentation, you must forward the required information here