
Policy on data ethics

Data is a condition for P+ being able to work efficiently and safely. If we did not have data about i.a. our members' age, contribution payments and employment, we would not be able to ensure the right savings and insurance schemes. At the same time, data becomes more and more integrated in companies' business models due to the digital development. Accordingly, it is necessary to have ethical considerations about the use of data.

P+ endorses the data ethical principles which the trade association the Danish Insurance Association has approved (Cool or Creepy). And it is significant to us that data ethics become embedded in the organisational culture, and that data ethics go hand in hand with our other values. Our aim is always to use data in a responsible way, and we will be transparent about how we process data. 

P+ does not buy or sell data, and the pension fund's data is not passed on to third parties unless we are obliged to do so according to legislation, rulings from courts or authorities or the like. 

Use of new technologies and programming of algorithms

Like many other companies, P+ follows the development of society and the digital transformation. This means that the pension fund continually works on supporting and optimising established work procedures and processes. 

When we buy new technology, make changes to the use of data or existing processes, we must follow a set process which among other things ensures sufficient embeddedness with management as well as ethical considerations and user involvement. We ensure that for instance the use of algorithms is not programmed to deliver discriminating or biased results.