MemberFunds are a non-guaranteed pension supplement which are paid when you retire.
Under existing laws, P+ must as a pension company have basic own funds which serve as a collateral for the pension fund's liabilities. In P+ the basic own funds include our equity and MemberFunds. This means that MemberFunds may be used to cover a possible loss and at worst be discontinued. As payment for this risk, MemberFunds are remunerated with the same return on investments as the remaining equity including a risk interest payment.
When you pay contributions or transfer a pension scheme to P+, we set aside 2 percent of the amount to MemberFunds.
If you transfer your pension scheme from P+ to another company, you will be paid your part of MemberFunds. Accordingly, MemberFunds can be seen as a separate savings scheme.
MemberFunds are paid along with your retirement benefits for as long as you live.
A few member groups subject to old pension schemes also have MemberFunds (15 years) which are paid for 15 years. If you have MemberFunds (15 years) as a part of your pension scheme, they are paid to your estate if you die before having received the amount in full.