
P+ has some of the lowest costs on the market when it comes to administration of pension schemes. And this increases your savings.

P+ focuses on giving our members the best possible member experience. Thus, we have continually invested in improving our membership services and new digital solutions which make it easier to be a member. This has resulted in increased administrative costs in 2025.

For a member saving up for a lifelong retirement pension and an annuity certain it is the first time in 5 years that the costs increase. For retired members, the costs have actually decreased in the same period.

When, during a period with general price increases and high inflation, we were able to maintain costs steady despite new investments in our membership services, it is due to the surplus we had built up previously. We have used this surplus to maintain the lowest possible price level for as long as possible. And now we adjust the price to ensure that the costs remained balanced in the future. 

Below you can see what a typical member of P+ pays in administrative costs in 2025.

P+ is among the least expensive

The administrative costs only represent a small part of your total costs. Besides the administrative costs, you pay investments costs that i.a. cover fees to external portfolio managers, transaction costs related to buying and selling securities and salaries to the employees in the investment department.

Your total costs are calculated as 2 different key ratios:

  • Annual costs in DKK (Årlige Omkostninger i Kroner - ÅOK) which are your total administrative and investment costs in a calendar year.
  • Annual costs as a percentage (Årlige Omkostninger i Procent - ÅOP) which are your total administrative and investment costs in proportion to the size of your deposit at the end of the year.

Regardless of whether you compare ÅOK or ÅOP, P+ is among the least expensive in the sector.

If you are a member of P+, you can see your total costs on Min pension. You can find ÅOP and ÅOK in the deposit statement under ”Dine dokumenter”.

If you are not yet a member of P+, you can try our omkostningsberegner (cost calculator – only available in Danish) and get an indication of how much you can save by transferring your savings to P+.