In P+ you get some of the lowest costs on the market which increases your savings.
The costs include administrative costs and investment costs.
Administrative costs
A typical member pays DKK 420 annually (2024) in administrative costs which places P+ among the least expensive in the pension sector.
You can get an overview of the fees and cost rates included in the administrative costs here
Investment costs
P+ has some of the lowest investment costs on the market for a typical member. The investment costs include i.a. fees to external portfolio managers, transaction costs related to bying and selling bonds and shares and salaries to our employees in the investment department.
Your total costs (ÅOP and ÅOK)
Your total costs are calculated as 2 different key ratios:
- Annual costs in DKK (Årlige Omkostninger i Kroner - ÅOK) which are your total administrative and investment costs in a calendar year.
- Annual costs as a percentage (Årlige Omkostninger i Procent - ÅOP) which are your total administrative and investment costs in proportion to the size of your deposit at the end of the year.
As a member of P+, you can see your total costs on Min pensionÅOP and ÅOK appear from your deposit statement which you can find under 'Dine dokumenter'.
If you are not yet a member of P+, you can try our cost calculator and get an indication of how much you can save by transferring your savings to P+. The cost calculator is only available in Danish.
Cost estimation method and cost accounting for P+
Our costs are calculated according to the pension sector's joint standards determined by the trade association Insurance and Pension Denmark (F&P).
From 2022 F&P's cost estimation method has been changed so that all companies must use the same, new standard. Accordingly, it is now easier to compare costs across companies.
On the other hand, the new standard implies that you can no longer compare the cost level directly with previous years, because the calculation method has been changed.
The new method implies that the investment costs increase compared to previous years. However, it is important to remember that the actual costs are at the same level as previously, it is only the calculation method that has changed.
You can find an overall description of the annual costs for all members of P+ in our cost accouting here