Business partners and network

We participate in global investor cooperations to gain more influence.

PRI is the world's largest network bringing focus to responsible investments. As a member of PRI, we commit ourselves to incorporate responsibility in our investments.


Dansif is a network forum for professional investors, consultancy firms and others who are involved in responsible investments in Denmark. In Dansif the members exchange experiences with responsible investments, and Dansif holds arrangements about topics within responsible investments. 


CDP is a global initiative working for creating transparency about CO2 emission.


IIGCC (Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change) is an European network organisation for institutional investors. The purpose of IIGCC's work is to create a climate resilience investment framework for physical climate risk. 

Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance

Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance is an UN supported organisation which was founded in 2019 by a group of investors who committed themselves to obtaining net-zero emmissions by 2050. In line with our membership, we have committed ourselves to present action plans and intermediate targets every five years which we report on.

Climate Action 100+

Climate Action 100+ is an investor-led initiative to ensure the world's largest corporate greenhouse has emitters take necessary action on climate change in order to mitigate financial risk and to maximise the long-term value of assets. 

Nature Action 100

Nature Action 100 is a global investor-led engagement initiative focused on supporting greater corporate amibition and action to reverse nature and biodiversity loss. 

PRI Spring

Spring is a PRI stewardship initiative for nature, convening investors to use their influence to halt and reverse global biodiversity loss by 2030.