
Annual General Meeting 2025

P+ holds its annual general meeting on 24 April at 4:30pm at Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center, Arni Magnussons Gade 2, Copenhagen. The general meeting is held as a hybrid one providing the opportunity of either online or in-person participation.

Register here

You register for the general meeting here where it is also possible to grant a power of attorney to either the Board of directors or a third party. Deadline for registration and grant of power of attorney is April 23 at 11:59pm.

If you have questions related to registration or granting a power of attorney, please contact Euronext Securities on or 4358 886 between 9:00am-4:00pm every weekday.

Preliminary agenda

  1. The Board of directors’ report on the pension fund’s activities in the past year
  2. Presentation and approval of the audited annual report 
  3. Approval of appropriation of the profit or the loss according to the approved annual report
  4. Proposals from the Board of directors or members of the pension fund
  5. Election of state-authorised public accountant
  6. Any other business

The final agenda will be available no later than at 7 April.

If as a member you wish to have a proposal included in the agenda for the annual general meeting, the proposal must be submitted to the pension fund on no later than at 12 March.