IconInsurance covers 

Pension guarantee

Financial security for your surviving relatives if you die after having retired.

You can guarantee your next of kin a monthly payment if you die after having retired
You can guarantee that your surviving relatives receives a part of your monthly, lifelong pension benefits if you die before having reached age 90.

Opt for a pension guarantee:

  • The pension guarantee can account for 50 or 100 percent of your monhly, lifelong pension benefits.
  • The pension guarantee takes effect when you retire or reach age 68, and it is discontinued when you reach/would have reached age 90.

You must opt for the pension guarantee before your start payment of retirement benefits and before you reach age 68 at the latest. You can subsequently opt out of or reduce the pension guarantee. However, you cannot increase it once it has taken effect. 

When you have opted for the pension guarantee, you own pension benefits are reduced. 

Contact us if you want to change, opt for or opt out of the pension guarantee. 

Payment is automatically made to your next of kin. On Min pension you can your next of kin and change beneficiaries. If you have a spouse or cohabitant, they will ALWAYS receive the payout from the pension guarantee first.